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Tyler i55

A member registered Jan 30, 2021

Recent community posts

Already exists, press arrow keys

Died on the first floor, game window permanently turned red after I quit to title. 10/10 game

Is there a discord server or similar where I can report bugs? Only the web release download works, on the other version I get a pastable bug report trying to start the game.

I had the softlock on my second run.

I beat the final boss on my first run lol (hint: focus on 1 form of attack and get the damage upgrade for it, and just be as aggressive as possible)

A glitch I have found: If you knock the ninja boss out of the building very quickly, he won't come back and the game is softlocked. I also glued one of his henchmen to the ceiling with a glue gun and none of my attacks could reach him, including the gun, machine gun and minigun, which may be another softlock in a very tall room.